We drink protein shakes for an array of different reasons including bulking up, losing weight and aiding aid recovery after exercise. Protein shakes and powders are a popular way to get your recommended daily amount of protein when you’re fasting, trying to lose weight or trying to build muscle, but do you really know what you’re putting in your body?
According to founder of The Fast 800, Dr Michael Mosley, protein is a vital part of our diets, and key to building and maintaining muscle. It also helps with weight loss, makes you feel fuller for longer so you’re less tempted to snack, and provides a steady release of energy.
Dr Mosley said: “Getting enough high-quality protein into your diet is incredibly important. A lack of protein is one of the main drivers for hunger, and we need lots of high-quality protein for your muscles and most of the organs of your body. Following The Fast 800 online programme ensures plenty of protein through food, but even so, there are times when it’s tricky to achieve – particularly for vegetarians. That’s why we made The Fast 800 Protein Powders; they’re a great way of adding more protein to your day with very few calories and no carbohydrates.”
Here’s what The Fast 800 Nutritionist Gabrielle Newman recommends when it comes to what should and shouldn’t be in your protein powder or protein shakes.
No added sugar
Meal replacement shakes and protein powders typically use a lot of sugar or simple carbs to make them taste better. This unnecessarily raises your blood sugar levels, which, over time, can contribute to chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes.
Higher levels of protein
If you’re drinking protein shakes and still feeling hungry, check that protein is the key ingredient. Look for about 20g of protein per 30g serve to keep you feeling fuller and maintaining muscle mass.
Low levels of carbohydrates
Protein powders exist to provide a boost of protein to your daily food intake. Therefore, there shouldn’t be added carbohydrates on the ingredient list. You might notice small amounts of carbohydrates on nutrition panels – these are often naturally occurring carbohydrates that exist within the key protein ingredient like dairy (whey protein) or legumes (pea protein).
Quality protein sources
Protein powder ingredient labels shouldn’t look complicated. If you’re dairy-free by choice or allergy, look for a versatile vegan protein source like pea protein. It’s a high-quality protein source that is well-tolerated by most people.
The Fast 800 is an informative guide and does not replace the advice of your GP. If you are under 18 years, pregnant, breastfeeding, underweight or have a medical condition you should consult always consult with a medical professional.