Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

Need support?

Anyone in immediate danger should call triple zero 000 from a landline or 112 from your mobile

Northern Beaches Mums supports the local community, especially the mums.

Domestic violence is prevalent across all socio-economic, age and cultural groups and is a problem within our community on the Northern Beaches. Everyone knows someone who is experiencing domestic violence or who has experienced domestic violence.

Domestic violence takes many forms, including physical and sexual violence and abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, control of financial resources, social isolation and spiritual or religious abuse. These behaviours are most commonly used by men against their female partners to gain and maintain control over them. Children who witness the abuse of their mothers are deeply affected domestic violence is a child protection issue.

Women who are victims of domestic violence often perceive themselves as having a relationship problem that they should fix and many women feel embarrassed and ashamed about their experiences. But help is available. You can call the 24-hour Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63 or 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for information, advice, referral, crisis accommodation and counselling.

Protect yourself and stay safe online by taking precautions, such as deleting your internet search history and being mindful of what you post on social media.

Women & Children First – is a local service where you can discuss your situation and get help to consider your options, for safety planning, legal advice, information and support. Call 9971 4499 during business hours. More information at

The Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS) also provides support, advocacy, referrals and information for local women experiencing domestic violence. They help women and their children with information about domestic and family violence, and how to get protection from the court. They see clients before, during, and after court. This service covers the Upper and Lower North Shore of Sydney and the Northern Beaches. If women have a domestic violence case going to court, they can assist at Hornsby and Manly Courts. They can also refer you to other services, as required.

For more information contact the Northern Sydney Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services on 8425 8707 or email More information at


  • Domestic Violence Response Enhancement: 9am – 5pm 9488 2400, after hours 9488 2580
  • Link2home: 1800 152 152
  • Lifeline Northern Beaches (24 hours): 9949 5522
  • Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service National Helpline (24 hours): 1800RESPECT or 1800 737 732
  • Kids Helpline (for ages 5-25 years): 1800 55 1800
  • Mental Health Line (24 hours): 1800 011 511
  • Victims Services: 1800 633 063
  • Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services: 1800 938 227
  • Legal Aid: 1300 888 529
  • Women’s Legal Service NSW Domestic Violence Legal Advice Line: 1800 810 784
  • Women’s Legal Service NSW Indigenous Women’s Legal Contact Line: 1800 639 784
  • Immigration Advice and Rights Centre: 8234 0799
  • Translating and Interpreting Services: 131 450
  • Northern Sydney Family Connect and Support 1800 066 757
  • Northern Beaches Women’s Shelter 9977 7772
  • Women’s Resilience Centre 9979 1865
  • Taldumande (for ages 12-24 years) 9460 3777
  • Burdekin Association 8976 1777
  • Avalon Youth Hub (for ages 12-25 years) 0487 936 875
  • The Rape & Domestic Violence Services Australia 8585 0333
  • Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence 1800 019 123
  • Elder abuse Line 1800 628 221
  • Relationships Australia Dee Why 1300 364 277
  • MensLine 1800 789 978
  • Catholic Care 13 18 19
  • Community Northern Beaches 9977 1066