Launching a clothing startup takes a lot of time, energy and patience, but more importantly it requires a great deal of creativity. It is likely however that you are a creative person if you have gone about this kind of business, and today it is our intention to inspire and to engage you with some potentially new and fresh ideas which you could seek to employ in the business. Given the level of competition in this industry it is important that you do all that you can to survive and thrive, and these ideas may just help you out with that.
Making Your Mark
One of the most important things about selling your clothing is that it is branded and this is why it is critical to not only get personalised labels for your clothing, but to get the design just right. It is one thing to get the branding on the outside of the garment but clothing labels inside matter too. If you are able to add personalised clothing labels then you will find that this actually acts as a great marketing tool.
One of the hottest topics in the fabric and garment industry right now is responsibly sourced clothing and it is what people expect from smaller companies and start-ups. If you are not currently aware of each step of how your fabric and the clothing is made then it is imperative that you know, and that each step of the process is perfectly ethical. Not only should you know this, but so too should your customers, in order to give them the confidence to shop with you.
Freebies For Influencers
If you are supremely confident in what you are selling then a great way to get your products out there is to give them up for free to some influencers on social media. Sending messages first to local influencers in the fashion world is a great way to do deals and then you can fire over one of your pieces to them, and then they will be able to do a video or post, mentioning your brand. Aim for those with less than 10,000 followers as this will give you a much greater chance of an influencer saying yes.
Adding an Extra
Something which so few companies do is to add something extra to their product when they deliver it to the customer. What we mean by extra is just a little something that says thank you to the customer, perhaps a little box of chocolates or a quirky pen. Anything that is low cost but well thought out will have a great impact on what the customer feels about your business and the products. We live in a world where so much is simply sent from distribution centres and as a result lacks that kind and complimentary touch which customers so enjoy.
Seeking Feedback
Feedback is so essential for businesses and especially so for clothing designers. What you need to know is not just whether the customer enjoyed the product or not, but the why is also critical here. This will help you to better tailor your goods to what the customer wants, and that is how you can really make a mark with your brand.
Try these ideas for increased success and good luck with the business.