Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

The Kindness Series: Mental health essentials from the b kinder foundation

School is finally back and while we are all finishing ticking off shopping lists of glue sticks, backpacks, pens and tissues, there are essential elements that we need to make sure are on the list. With studies showing that Australian school children are facing a continued mental health crisis with rising anxiety, loneliness and youth suicide, it has never been more important to prioritise kindness in the school experience.

Even just a quick look at the Northern Beaches Mums group is proof of this, with posts detailing the struggle of so many Mums dealing with bullying, school refusal and friendship group challenges.

Rather than being a band-aid fix, the b kinder foundation provides children with an early intervention tool set of skills and strategies to help them develop an enriched sense of wellbeing, belonging and self-esteem. Something that every Northern Beaches school needs.

Created by Danny Mayson-Kinder to honour the legacy of her beautiful 12 year old daughter Billie Kinder who died in a tragic accident in 2016, our unique programs and initiatives are proven to have a substantial impact. Using Billie’s insightful words and beautiful artworks, we have created evidence-based well-being programs and resources to help children in their pivotal years by encouraging them to become kinder, more empathetic and more compassionate.

Danny has created these six simple steps that every Northern Beaches parent can discuss and complete with their children to create a school environment that encourages them, and those around them, to thrive;

  1. EMPOWER THEM TO LEAD WITH KINDNESS – Ask them how they can be there for friends. What should kindness at school look like? Set a kindness goal like finding someone who looks lonely and seeing if they would like to play or helping someone settle into their classroom.   
  2. REMOVE YOUR PHONE – We know we should, but too often we don’t. Our children want to talk to us about how they feel about school but know that any screen is a barrier, even if it’s off. Put it in another room and focus your attention fully on what they have to say.
  3. DEMONSTRATE AN ACT OF KINDNESS EVERY DAY – We often don’t realise the difference an act of kindness can make to someone’s day.  Never underestimate how role modelling can influence children’s behaviour at school.  So, take time to smile at a stranger, let someone go first at the store or help an elderly citizen, your children will notice.   
  4. TEACH THEM THAT BUTTERFLIES CAN MEAN EXCITEMENT – With the increase in anxiety faced by children, it’s an important time to help them understand their feelings.  What all too often gets labelled as anxiety is actually just being nervous or even excitement.  Use positive language and help them learn to embrace exciting moments. 
  5. FIND STRONG AND KIND ROLE MODELS – Billie’s b kinder messages help children to understand empathy and learn how to think of others and stand in their shoes.  This can help them understand other children’s behaviour. Look to historical figures, sportspeople or local heroes to be inspired.  
  6. ENCOURAGE YOUR SCHOOL OR PRE-SCHOOL TO BE A B KINDER SCHOOL- b kinder works with a range of resources including age-appropriate workbooks and school leadership programs which have been proven to have a positive and lasting impact on mental health issues. Becoming a b kinder pre-school or school ensures that your child has the best opportunity to experience a positive school environment.

Over the coming months, we will be sharing with Northern Beaches Mums articles, resources and how you can encourage your school to take the step towards a kinder 2024. Find out more at, follow us at @b_kinder_foundation or say hello at