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Northern Beaches Mums Group

How to Practice Mindfulness and Minimalism With Kids

Practising mindfulness and minimalism with your kids doesn’t have to be a lofty goal, reserved only for the most zen and organised families out there. In fact, it’s pretty doable and, dare we say, even fun? Yep, you read that right. Integrating these practices into your family life can be a game changer, making your daily routine smoother and teaching your kids valuable life skills from a young age.

So, grab a cuppa, and let’s dive into how you can make mindfulness and minimalism work for your family.

Start with the Basics

It can seem overwhelming to explore the realm of mindfulness and simplicity with children, but it all begins with a straightforward discussion. Making these ideas relevant to their developing minds is crucial. Mindfulness is being fully aware of our actions, emotions, and food at all times. Examples of this include noting the sensation of sand between one’s toes at the beach or the flavour of one’s favourite ice cream. 

Contrarily, minimalism is defined as preserving items that hold significant meaning for us or bring us joy. It gives the concepts greater tangibleness by drawing on instances from their everyday lives. Encourage questions and discuss how these practices can make your home a happier, calmer place.

Lead by Example

Parents should practice mindfulness and minimalism because children pick up a lot from seeing the people in their lives. This does not imply that you have to give up everything you own or live like a monk. Begin by making modest, doable adjustments in your own life. Organize your personal space together and choose to give goods you no longer need to show off the joy of decluttering. 

Demonstrate mindfulness by choosing to put your phone aside at family meals so that you can converse with each other, or by taking deep breaths rather than shouting at your kids when you’re stressed. If you allow your kids to observe these behaviours as commonplace in everyday life, they’ll naturally start to imitate them, creating the groundwork for minimalism.

Embrace Montessori Principles

Montessori principles exemplify the minimalist ethos perfectly, focusing on the quality and educational value of playthings rather than sheer quantity. Their cute Montessori toys for 2 year old kids are crafted from natural materials, and designed to stimulate the senses, nurture concentration, and promote self-directed activity. By introducing Montessori principles at home, parents can select toys that not only occupy their child’s time but also contribute to their development. 

This approach encourages children to cherish and care for their belongings, understanding their value beyond mere entertainment. It’s a step towards cultivating an environment where children learn to make thoughtful choices, appreciating the beauty of simplicity and the richness of creativity that comes from their imagination, rather than from a toy box overflowing with options.

Create Mindful Routines

Routine tasks can become opportunities for introspection and connection when they are done mindfully. Making it a habit to end each day by asking your family members what they have to be thankful for might help them feel appreciative and upbeat. Commencing the morning with a basic breathing technique or a few stretches can also help establish a serene and focused atmosphere for the day. A few minutes a day can have a big impact, so these routines don’t have to take a lot of time. 

Through integrating mindfulness into daily routines, kids gain the ability to identify their feelings and ideas, leading to the development of resilience and emotional intelligence. Their sense of serenity and presence helps them deal with life’s ups and downs thanks to this foundation.

Simplify your Schedule

Simplifying your family’s schedule can seem contradictory in a culture where busyness is frequently associated with importance or success. However, adopting a minimalist approach to time management might result in richer interactions and meaningful experiences. Examine the events and appointments on your schedule and give priority to those that will truly make you and your family happy. Quality matters more than quantity. 

You can enjoy spontaneity, relaxation, and the luxury of being totally present with your loved ones when you make time in your calendar for them. In addition to lowering stress, this method teaches kids how to lead balanced lives by prioritizing family time and personal health above a full schedule of activities.

The goal of mindfulness and minimalism is to make deliberate decisions that improve your family’s well-being, not to create an idealized, clutter-free life. It’s about living in the moment, valuing what you have, and choosing quality over quantity. You will give important life lessons to your children by beginning small and implementing these techniques into your everyday routine. So go ahead and give it a shot; it might be the welcome break from the routine your family has been missing.

Sophia Smith is a beauty and lifestyle blogger, and a food enthusiast. She is very passionate about eco-friendly and green topics, sustainable fashion, eco beauty, and conscious business. Sophia’s other hobbies center around her love for yoga, wellness rituals, and living in balance with nature. She loves sharing meaningful content that inspires people and has covered topics ranging from organic beauty products and sustainability to self-care and mental health.

Sophia has contributed to a number of publications including Eco Warrior Princess, Naughty Nutrition, Sivana Spirit, Carousel, Cause Artist, Austin Fit Magazine, Awaken, Literally Darling, Art of Healthy Living, and Read Unwritten.

You can find out more about her writing by following her on Twitter: