Are you a people pleaser?
Do you make decisions because you are afraid of what other people might think?
People pleasers think they are kind but they are not kind to themselves.
People pleasers don?t tell the truth.
People pleasers hold themselves back, afraid of what other people might think.
People pleasers are so busy pleasing others they lose the ability to know what they truly want.
How do I know? Because I was a people pleaser.
I want you to see the effects of constantly people pleasing.
You don?t get to be the real you.
People don?t get to know the real you.
The people in your life like a version of you that is not even really you.
You end up doing things because you think it?s what others would want. But you don?t know what other people want. You just keep trying to please at the expense of your time, your energy, your personal results and you being authentically you.
You end up resentful.
And acting a crazy. (I?ve been there.)
So now you get to decide.
Do you want to be a people pleaser?
If not, you can decide right now to stop.
If not, you can learn how to say no, from a place of love.
If not, you can stop lying.
If not you can surround yourself with people who love you for being you.
It can feel scary, but you can totally do hard things. You got this mama!
I just want to say that when we make decisions from an empowered place, rather than a place of fear, we can still decide that we will go to the Christmas party with our partner, even though it?s not our favourite thing. We decide to go because we love him and we know that will make him happy. But we are not afraid of what will happen if we don?t please that person. We are empowered knowing we could say ?no? but we decide to say ?yes? from a place of love. Can you see the difference? It?s a shift in mindset and it?s a magical one.
Article provided by Nicky Hammond
Image by Verity Sanders, Unsplash