Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

Family Challenge: Support Young Lunch Packers!

by Forestville Montessori School

At the start of a new school year, there is the usual scramble of purchasing lunchboxes and thinking of how to fill them with healthy food our children will love to eat.

Food preparation is a big part of practical life and unfortunately is not taught enough to our developing little people. Learning to cook and prepare food is an essential life skill that gives children confidence and capabilities to be functionally independent in the future.

So, our challenge is this: Rather than taking on the sole responsibility of preparing lunches for your children this year, let’s make a commitment to help them become their own lunch packers!

Sound Daunting?

If the thought of including children in this process seems overwhelming or impossible, bear with us!

Beyond developing practical cooking food preparation skills, helping with school lunches gives a sense of agency and ability: they are making choices, developing independence and learning responsibility. And they’re more likely to eat their lunch too!

So often children complain that their lunch is something they don’t like or want or worse – bring it home uneaten. By engaging children in the lunch making process, they are informed, interested and accountable for what they bring. If they helped to choose, prepare, and pack the food, they are more likely to enjoy it!

Here are some steps to help you support your children as they learn to prepare and pack their school lunches. This family “challenge” can even start with toddlers!  

Shop Together

A wonderful way to enlist children’s involvement is by including them in the shopping experience. Very young children can help select certain food options off the shelf and put them in the trolley/basket. Older children can help make a grocery list, figure out the cost of different items, and keep track of what is needed while in the store. Even a little bit of involvement in picking out lunch food options helps children have a sense of ownership and control. 

Choice within Limits

In order to have a balance between wants and needs, it’s worth weaving in conversations about balancing different food groups and having plenty of healthy options. Some families have success with collaboratively creating a list of different choices within each food group. Decide as a family what you prioritise then list various options from food groups (e.g. grains, vegetables, fruit, dairy, and protein). It can help to create a visual guide so even young children can see what their choices are when thinking about what to plan for and purchase.


After coming home from the grocery store, children can be part of putting away the items they will be using to prepare school lunches. Accessibility is key. Having a designated spot for lunch foods helps. Low cabinet shelves also work well. If possible, find an easy-to-reach space in the refrigerator for perishable items. 

Clear containers help children to easily see their options. Your child can help wash, cut and store a variety of fruits and vegetables in see-through containers, ready-to-use in the fridge.

Easy to Make & Easy to Eat

Young children tend to love having small portions with lots of variety. When preparing food, think about how children can help with this step. Maybe they can help cut a sandwich into mini-sandwiches, slice cucumbers or wash cherry tomatoes. With a variety of choices, children can try combining foods in different ways, for example, a piece of cheese with a slice of apple or how does cream cheese taste on a cracker. Older children can create their own wraps or sandwiches, or choose dinner leftovers for the next day’s lunch. 

Cleaning up – another bonus!

When children are part of preparing food, there can be mess involved! Allow a little time and space for mess to happen. Tidying up after any activity is another skill and household courtesy to learn. Show children how to clean up after themselves. Really young children will still need a hand! When we collaborate in the process, we teach, model and repeat the behaviour. In future, children will simply do it themselves.

Plan Ahead

Mornings can be rushed so a little planning always helps! Some families use the weekend to map out a lunch menu with their children and stick it to the fridge or a cupboard as a reminder.

Some families work with their children to prepare as many lunch foods as possible on the weekend so their kids can just put that day’s items into their lunch bag or box each morning. Children may even like to get their lunch packed the night before so they can just grab and go in the morning. Better yet, you might create an afternoon routine for children to empty, wash and re-pack the next day’s lunch after school each day. Done!

Your kids are more capable than it may seem!

Although the process may feel overwhelming at first, remember you are helping your child learn valuable life skills that will give them the independence, confidence and capability to make their own way in the world in the future!

This article was supplied by Forestville Montessori School.

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