Veterans Health Week – Saltwater Veterans
Saltwater Veterans is a group of core veterans and volunteers who organise activities to keep veterans moving and active in the community.
With the awesome help of their friendly crew of volunteers & supporters they are “rallying the troops” for some FREE, social gatherings/activities of like-minded veterans as a part of Veterans Health Week (VHW) in October.
‘Get Moving’ (physical activity) will be the key focus for this year’s Veterans’ Health Week.
The VHW meetups being planned include sailing, swimming, surfing, yoga, stand-up paddling and kayaking.
They have the generous support of a few local businesses including Manly Surf School, NS Swim, WSS Boards and RPAYC. For other businesses wishing to support or sponsor please do reach out.
Please register on their website.
Covid restrictions willing of course… should lock-down still be in place, we plan on simply moving the activity’s date.
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