Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

NBB Apiary Field Day – Spring Management

At this first Apiary Day of the season you will perform Spring Management activities to reduce the chance of the hive swarming. This is a crucial activity for all, especially when you keep honey bees in an urban area.

You will be working under the current Bosecurity (varroa mite) Emergency Order rules that are in place. Given these have been changing on a frequent basis, it’s well worth checking the DPI website for the current rules apply to the location where your bees are located. The club apiary is currently in a blue General Emergency Zone.

As always, there will be plenty of time to ask any beekeeping related question.

The apiary is located at 2 Spicer Rd NORTH, Oxford Falls.

If you come via Wakehurst Pkwy, turn into Oxford Falls Rd West and around 200 meters after the causeway it’s the first road on the left. 

Please park on the road on one side so you don’t block the road, and walk 50 m up the driveway to arrive at the apiary (NO PARKING ON THE PROPERTY)

For those who don’t have a veil, the club has a limited number for hire at $5.00 (various sizes)

Biosecurity Gloves are available for all participants. Please leave yours at home to reduce the risk of spreading disease from one apiary to another. 

Register here

Location: 2 Spicer Road, Oxford Falls


Aug 28 2022


10:00 am - 12:00 pm



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