Free Accidental Counsellor Training
Improving suicide intervention skills is one of the key strategies identified in the Northern Beaches Suicide Response Action Plan. Council has received funding over three years from the NSW Ministry of Health to roll out suicide awareness training to strengthen the community response to suicidal thoughts and behaviour.
This training will target individuals with strong connections and regular contact with young people, men, seniors and emergency services in their local communities. Council will be training hundreds of these ‘community gatekeepers’ to support people who might be at risk of suicide and ensure they are referred to appropriate mental health services and supports.
As a trained community gatekeeper you will:
- Be equipped with resources and support
- Receive regular updates on topics of interest
- Be expected to participate in Capacity Building Forums two times per year to build your knowledge
- Contribute to ongoing evaluation of this project
Contact Information:…
Location: Heather Flawith Meeting room, Forest Community Arts Centre Forestville NSW