There are many claimable expenses you might not be taking advantage of when tax time rolls around. Here are the strangest work-related items you can claim as deductibles on your next tax return in Australia.
Sunscreen and sun protection
Sun protection including makeup with SPF can be claimed as long as you work outside, but no, meetings outside in the park don’t count. You’ll need to work permanently outside to qualify. Normal makeup can’t be claimed, unless you’re an air hostess in which case rehydrating blends can be claimed.
Wet weather gear and sun protective clothing
Anyone who works outside can also claim wet weather gear as long as your work is full-time outdoor work. Jobs that fall into this category include lifeguards, tradies, construction workers and farmers and claimable items include hats, gloves and waterproof clothing.
Work-specific handbags
This is a huge win for the women out there, but don’t get carried away; your handbag has to be legitimately used for work purposes. If you can prove you carry your work laptop, tablet, calculator or documents in this bag, you can add it to your expenses list. Heads up though ladies: High end designer bags such as a $5,000 Gucci tote will be pushing your luck and can catch the attention of the ATO.
Further education as long as it’s work related
If you work in finance and you’re doing further study within the finance industry related to your current role, you can claim your study expenses. You’ll need to make sure you’re not claiming expenses related to a HECS or HELP study debt, as these don’t qualify.
Sadly though, if you’re an accountant studying Art History to win your dream job, you aren’t eligible as the industries aren’t related.
You can claim more power than you thought
You’ve probably heard you can claim some of of your home power bill as long as you work from home, but you have to be specific. You can claim up to 45c per hour of your time spent working from home. The ATO is strict on this though, and you’ll need to keep a diary to show the consistency of how often you work from home, maintained for at least four weeks to establish a pattern.
Maintenance and rates related to your investment property
If you have a rental property, you may be eligible to claim everything from council rates to body corporate fees on your tax return. If your home has been damaged, you’re also eligible to claim the costs of repairs in your next return.
Some maintenance costs can also be deducted from your tax bill if they’re important to prevent deterioration or fix existing deterioration. This includes things like oiling a wooden deck or painting your property.
Investment seminars of existing holdings
Learning more about your investments is always a good idea, and now you can claim the cost of seminars about your existing investments. Sadly though, you’ll need to already hold the investments mentioned in the seminar, not be considering them to qualify.
Work uniform laundry
If you have a work uniform, you can claim $1 per load of washing, drying and ironing as long as you have the receipts. If you apply to claim more than $300, you’ll need written evidence though, and it must be a uniform not just clothes you use for work.
Paintings and recreational items for your small business
Small businesses with a turnover of less than $10 million can write off assets costing less than $20,000 as long as they were purchased between 7:30PM on 12 May 2015 and 30 June 2018. If you’ve been eyeing off a stunning painting for the waiting room of your clinic, now’s the time to buy.
Sex toys and lingerie for some
Before you get too excited, know you have to be employed in a relevant industry, which includes exotic dancers or sex workers. Recreational use doesn’t count.
If you qualify for any of the above deductibles, your next tax bill could look quite different. Always confirm which items you can deduct on the ATO website though, as rules can change.
Article provided by Liston Newton Advisory