by Carolyn Devries
As the new year gets closer, we begin to put in place goals and plans in many different areas of our lives, for example plans for our career, finances and health. While setting goals and planning in our marriage or relationship isn’t something that automatically comes to mind, spending time planning and setting goals can set the year up for relational success.
Here are 5 ways to strengthen your relationship in 2025:
1. Agree on boundaries
Agreeing on boundaries and core values in the relationship is a great way to approach your relationship in the new year. As we all change and grow as individuals, it can be helpful to touch base with one another and regroup on what core values and boundaries can strengthen your relationship. A good idea is to write these down rather than just talking about them.
2. Schedule in date nights
It can be hard enough to make time for ourselves, let alone one another however a positive goal to set for the new year is to schedule in date nights, even once a month. Having a moment of undivided attention for each other can help you reconnect as a couple.
3. Communication
Set aside regular time to communicate about important issues such as finances and parenting decisions. Communication is always key, and we need to remind one another that we don’t always know what the other person is feeling or needing at that moment in time. Making sure you touch base with each other regularly will help strengthen your relationship and eliminate any guessing games.
4. Set up a roster for chores
Setting up a roster for household duties and activities is an organised way to ensure that both partners are sharing the load of household and family duties. If you have children, commitments can become increasingly overwhelming, so ensuring you are splitting the mental and physical load of these tasks may just help you ease your way into the new year!
5. Don’t neglect milestones
With the busyness of life it can be easy to overlook or neglect milestone dates, such as anniversaries and birthdays. In 2025, try and make the most of milestones and plan around them so that you have everything you need lined up to ensure you can both enjoy these moments together.
About Author
Carolyn Devries is the founder of New Way Lawyers, specialising in family law. Carolyn has also founded a Facebook group called Lunch with A Lawyer where people can ask their family law questions for free. She has also released a 7-part podcast called Pathways Through the System which explains the family court legal system.