Following separation, emotions and stress levels are high. This can cloud your ability to consider the practical things you need to do, to both ensure your safety and protect your legal rights. For this reason, we’ve had expert family lawyers, New Way Lawyers, share with us 5 important things to do when going through a separation.
Have you written down important dates and events?
Keeping a record or diary noting significant dates like the date you separated and dates of any domestic violence incidents is important, as this information will be needed down the track. As difficult as it can be, it is also important to record the specific details of any.
Do you have all your important documentation?
This is often overlooked immediately after separation but it is vital you collect all your important documentation and keep them with you. This includes your:
- marriage certificate
- birth certificate (and birth certificate of your child/children)
- passport for you and the children
Financial documents are important to consider also. This includes :
- tax records (tax returns and tax file numbers)
- car registration
- bank statements
- property documents (lease, deeds, mortgage documents)
- payslips
- superannuation account statements
- investment statements (for example, managed funds, share dividends)
- government benefit documents
It is important to store this documentation securely.
Do you have a confidential means of communication?
Your privacy is something that you must now consider. It is important to change the password on your email account and social media accounts and any other accounts. If you need a secure location for your mail, set up a PO Box. This will be important for any future correspondence with your lawyers and financial institutions.
Get legal advice from family law experts
Even if things are amicable with you and your ex, it is wise to get legal advice from expert family lawyers to ensure your rights are protected and any agreements are legally binding. Things you should discuss with them include your financial and property matters and if there are children of the relationship, the arrangements for them. Family Lawyers can also assist in situations of domestic violence and applications for divorce. If you would like a free 20-minute phone consultation, you can call Australia’s first non-profit law firm, New Way Lawyers, on (07) 3548 5868.
Do you need a domestic violence protection order?
You, the police or your lawyer can apply for a domestic violence protection order if there have been instances of domestic violence and you are concerned they will reoccur. There is always help available in these situations and your safety is vital. If you need a protection order urgently, please phone the police on 000 or for non-urgent matters, contact New Way Lawy
Australia’s first non-profit law firm, New Way Lawyers, has formulated a new Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that specifically responds to the challenging issues of domestic violence and family law. If you are struggling, reach out to your employer to see if they can assist, or New Way Lawyers directly.