Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

5 things we can all be doing for the environment

As summer approaches and we start to spend more time outdoors in our parks, beaches and oceans it can sometimes be easy to forget that whilst we all share a planet it is just as easy to take care of it for all our future generations. Here are 5 things we can all be doing to benefit ourselves and the environment.


Next time you are tying up your bin bags, take note of what it is exactly you are throwing away. You might be able to spot something obvious such as unused products or foods that you can simply reduce from your next grocery shop.

Re-use and repurpose

Re-using household products can sometimes just take a small touch of creativity. You might want to throw away an empty ice cream container for example however next time you do, have a look at how you can repurpose it into something else such as a draw divider. Repurposing can also be a fun weekend or school holiday activity for the kids!

Conserve water

A simple yet effective way to help the environment is to conserve your water use. This might mean cutting your showers a little shorter, running one bath for all your children or even placing your glasses and plates in the dishwasher without pre-rinsing them.

Plant a tree

Tree planting can be a fun activity for the whole family to enjoy! Planting trees in the garden or in local spaces will simply provide our environment with food and oxygen and will assist in helping combat climate change.

Shop wisely

Household cleaning products in particular come packaged in single-use plastic bottles that contribute to a large amount of our waste per year. Not only are they held in single-use plastic, but they are also often heavy in toxic chemicals which might over time be unsafe for you and your family. Shopping wisely and finding products that reduce the amount of single-use plastic is how you can help. Evercleaner offers dissolvable cleaning tablets as refills instead of another new bottle each time you run out. Simply refill the initial bottle you purchase from Evercleaner in some water and you have yourself a re-filled product.