The Northern Beaches will benefit from a stronger and greener economy with more jobs and local spending, under Council’s new economic development strategy.
Following public consultation, Council has updated and endorsed the Economic Development Strategy – Business on the Beaches.
Council received strong support from the community in response to the draft plan. Submissions called for greater protection of employment lands, greater business diversity in town centres and measures to tackle skill shortages and housing affordability.
In response, Council strengthened its action plan with additional performance measures and targets to grow jobs, businesses, spend and visitation across the Northern Beaches over the next 5 years. It also now includes targets to measure progress towards a greener economy.
Northern Beaches Mayor Sue Heins said the Economic Development Strategy would support a more diverse, vibrant, innovative and green economy that is both environmentally and economically sustainable.
“Our new Economic Development Strategy recognises and celebrates the unique nature of our local economy and sets out ambitious actions to grow and support local businesses over the next 5 years,” Mayor Heins said.
“We are so fortunate to live on the beautiful Northern Beaches, home to so many skilled and talented people. What great potential they all provide for our local economy – an impact that could be even greater if we can create more employment opportunities in our town centres and employment lands.
“Our community wants to see more jobs available locally, more affordable housing close to where they work, and a wide range of businesses in our town centres. We are committed to doing what we can as a Council to meet the needs and aspirations of our community.”
Key targets for the next five years include increasing:
- Local jobs by 5%, creating 5,500 new jobs
- Manufacturing output by 10% ($400 million)
- Number of businesses by 10% (3,500 new businesses)
- Local spending by 10% ($800 million)
- Number of jobs in green industries by 10%
Among the many action items are plans to revitalise employment areas, such as Brookvale, and enhance existing industrial zoned areas and look at ways to support innovative and creative businesses.
Support for local businesses will be expanded, with a Welcome Kit for Businesses provided to prospective businesses and landlords to inform them of the existing business mix in town centres and council processes.
The Northern Beaches Business and Industry Stakeholder Committee will also be established, comprised of key local businesses and Council representatives, to monitor the implementation of the strategy.
To support a greener economy, the strategy includes actions to measure existing green industries and investigate opportunities to grow this sector, including circular economy business models.
The strategy was prepared by specialist economic development firm NDP Economic Development with the assistance of Council staff and follows a thorough analysis of the current economic climate. It is underpinned by independent technical reports, employment studies and extensive consultation with the business community.
For more information visit the website.
Media release provided by Northern Beaches Council, 23rd August 2023