In a joint venture between CBCA NSW Branch and myself, we are giving kids a chance to help improve the lives of kids in Cambodia by participating in this online workshop.
The spread of COVID-19 is proving catastrophic for these poor communities. Low literacy rates and no electricity, (so no TV), mean they have no access to reliable outside information in a country that cannot report its deaths accurately, if at all, or provide decent health care. There are no social or financial safety nets in this country. Help us to help Cambodia.
Kids! Join Louise Park, author of Zac Power Test Drives, Boy vs Beast, Harriet Clare and more for an action-packed online hour of creativity and writing fun. Could you be the next member of D-Bot Squad? You?ll use a 5 step plan to create an adventure story and design your very own Dino-bot. Suitable for ages 4-10.
Live-streamed on Thursday, May 7 at 2.00pm. Donations will go to helping kids in the villages of Cambodia as it struggles to combat the spread of COVID-19, and to providing much-needed health and education resources. To receive your special login code to access this event and help build a better future for Cambodia?s kids, donate here and email your receipt to for workshop registration. All donations are tax-deductible. And to learn more about this charity go to
There are so many children in Cambodia that need our help. This is a great way for kids to feel they?re doing something more and it?s a win-win. Our kids get a curriculum-focused workshop with an Australian children?s author whilst knowing they are helping and supporting kids in Cambodia.
Donate now to book your place.