February is the most popular time of year to cleanse your body, so if this is what you are about to do here are some tips on successful cleansing.
Doing a cleanse has wonderful health benefits and it doesn?t have to feel like a punishment. As we have all heard beauty begins on the inside, so cleansing will help you to get your body systems back on track and promote cleaner eating and healthy habits as you nourish it with whole, organic (if possible) nutrient-dense foods. You will look and feel so good after doing a cleanse and enjoy all the amazing benefits such as better sleep, more energy, better digestion, weight loss, fabulous skin and hair.
Cleansing helps proper elimination through the colon, kidneys and skin as it stimulates and ?remove toxins. This gives your organs a rest as you eat less and better and also improves blood circulation.)
The best way to achieve results with any cleanse is basically… just do it!
Keep it fun and delicious by giving yourself different options daily, so you don?t get tired of it or feel deprived.
How to Start:
You will need to eliminate the following foods from your diet:
Processed foods, packaged foods, refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, soy, trans fats, gluten, alcohol (at least during the week), unhealthy oils, caffeine (if you feel you can), dairy, meat, poultry and if possible all GMO and conventionally grown food. Organic as much as possible is recommended. If you are substituting some meals with a shake make sure it is dairy free, organic and high in protein
Be mentally ready for your cleanse:
Know why you are doing a cleanse and what benefits you will achieve from it.?There will be times you will not want to do it and feel cranky, but knowing why you are doing it will help overcome those moments.
Prepare what you need:
Have your fridge ready with the foods you know you can eat and enjoy and get rid of the foods you know you need to avoid.
Mindful eating:
This is very important if you can eat without distraction of particularly your phone and computer. Eating mindfully will actually help you to digest your food well and discover what it means to savour each mouthful. This does not mean eating alone, but eating with awareness.
Drink more water:
Extra hydration helps flush out toxins while keeping a feeling of fullness and very quickly the habit of drinking more water becomes the normal. If you would like a bit of flavour add a slice of lemon or cucumber to your water.
Move, move and more move your body:
Exercise is the most powerful side of cleansing. As you hear me say in all classes twist to the right and massage your liver, twist to the left and massage your spleen. It is so important to move. It stimulates your lungs through the breath and uptake of oxygen, it circulates your blood and stimulates liver and lymph nodes which kickstart the cleansing processes, your digestion is stimulated, you sweat out through your skin, your kidneys filter contaminants?exercise pushes your body to flush unnecessary waste, toxins, and fats.
All Body and Balance?classes have a fusion of Breath, Posture, Balance, Focus, Cardio, Core and Relax to stimulate, stretch and strengthen the body and the mind to work at its best.
Breath: Oxygen is one of the most important nutrients for your body. It helps your body absorb vitamins, minerals, and nutrients more efficiently and can speed up the detoxification process.
Posture: The way we stand and sit will promote eliminating toxins from the major organs such as the liver and spleen.? Think tall, lengthened spine and eliminating rounded shoulders and the slouched feeling that comes with too much sitting.
Balance: Awareness of how your body is coping by stimulating left/right brain patterns.
Focus: On what and why you are cleansing and exercising. Find your intention and keep your focus on the goal.
Cardio: Stimulating oxygen throughout the body and promoting elimination through sweat.
Core: Will help with posture and balance while strengthening your centre and keeping you strong and able to cope with exercise now and in the future.
Relax: Your FREE 10 minute Yoga Nidra for total mind/body relaxation can be found on my website. All classes are not complete without Yoga Nidra. Try to find other ways to relax. A bath with essential oils or Epsom salts will help remove toxins plus if in the evening a great night?s sleep.
Electronics: Try and reduce time on phones, computers and TV exposure to help calm your body and mind.
Support: If needed I offer support through One on One sessions face to face, Skype or online.
Last word: ?Do the best you and try to not stress. Take each day one step at a time. Join me for a class or book in a One on One Session, but most importantly do what is right for you to help maintain healthy habits that will last a lifetime.?
Article provided by Jill Healy-Quintard, Body and Balance Fitness and Wellness
Phone:?0412 422 868