Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

Help Your Children Develop Empathy, Compassion and Communication Through Umbrella’s Inclusive Musical Production of CAMP ROCK

Thomas, a teen with autism singing with Ingrid Bass at one of Umbrella’s karaoke events

In a world that thrives on diversity and inclusion but still struggles with acceptance and understanding, exposing children to activities that foster these values is more crucial than ever.

Most young children are innately blind to differences among their peers. They often don’t notice or question cultural differences, height differences or even different ways of speaking. However, they definitely notice when they have things in common with their peers – like an interest in the same topic or a passion for an activity.

Working with children both with and without disability in our music studios, we see these seamless friendships form. It’s beautiful to witness the development of their levels of compassion, understanding and creativity when children with and without disability learn and enjoy music alongside each other.

At Umbrella School of Music, we believe that every child and adult, regardless of their abilities, has something unique to contribute to the world of art!

A Sydney First: An Inclusive Camp Rock Production with Our Innovative ‘Buddy Model’

With a passion for creating inclusive opportunities for children in Sydney, we are so thrilled to be launching our Sydney-first inclusive version of Camp Rock. Our production uses our unique ‘buddy model’ to pair performers with and without disability to share roles, costumes, lines, and solos.

This production not only gives children the opportunity to experience performing, playing and interacting with a diverse group of people but also gives our cast with disability the opportunity to shine alongside their peers without disability, forming friendships along the way.

Our production is kicking off with an exclusive workshop on Sunday, 23 June, at 3:30 PM. The workshop is perfect for children (aged 7+) and adults of all ages and abilities – audition information to follow the workshop. You can find out more about our production here.

The Importance of Diverse Interactions

Research and our personal experience have consistently shown that children who engage with diverse peers develop into more empathetic and socially adept individuals. Positive interactions through play-based educational activities like performance and music only heighten the learning experience for children.

The types of skills we see children develop in our combined learning environments are:

  • Improved Communication Skills: Engaging with peers with different abilities teaches children to express themselves clearly and actively listen with empathy. This builds patience and adaptability, essential traits for effective communication well into adulthood.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities: Working with individuals who offer different perspectives and think differently encourages children to think creatively themselves and develop innovative solutions to challenges.
  • Increased Empathy and Compassion: Understanding and appreciating the experiences of others fosters empathy and compassion. Children learn to see the world through different lenses, making them more accepting and supportive of those around them.

Performing Arts: A Universal Language

Music and the performing arts serve as powerful tools for promoting inclusivity and interaction among diverse individuals from different age brackets, cultural backgrounds and performance experiences. Music is a universal language that allows individuals to connect and express themselves beyond verbal communication barriers. Collaborative performances in the arts enhance artistic skills and teach the value of teamwork, mutual respect, and shared goals – all while having fun.

At Umbrella School of Music, we are dedicated to providing equal access and opportunities for people with disabilities in the arts. We strive to break down stigmas and barriers around disability, celebrate diversity, and demonstrate that all abilities and talents can create extraordinary theatre!  

Join our Inclusive Musical

Our cast with disability is currently looking for their ‘buddies’ without disability, particularly children, teens and young adults. This production would also perfectly match anyone participating in The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award in the Skills Section.

For more information about our inclusive production, click here.

To register for the workshop, click here.

To help sponsor our performers or make a donation, click here.