Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

The Poetry Portal

The 3 Day Anti-Poetry Activation is Here

Move Your Creative Journalling for MindBody Healing from Endless Reflection into the Realm of Pure Creative Play

Through Free Form Poetry and Story-Making, Explore Your Authoress Archetype, Shape New Worlds and Heal from Within Your Own Mythmaker Medicine

The Words Float Up From the Page

From Nothing to Something

They Emerge

As they Matter

Each one Rolls and CodesOut of Space

Between my Field and my Tool

The Pen Plays the Fool

Scrawling Matter like Fallen Autumn Leaves

A Breeze Turning

The Magicians Tease

I WriteNot a Fight goes Unseen

Yet here in Submission

My Eyes Fall Again

And Again To the Portal Before


Oct 01 2021


11:00 am

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