Online Science Workshop with the Children’s Discovery. Milk into Ice Cream
Become a Scientist at home with Mum or Dad and make ice cream from milk this National Science Week !
Solids, liquids and gases – they all matter! Join Children’s Discovery in this special workshop to celebrate National Science as we explore different types of physical changes and states of matter. See, smell and even taste the results as you transform milk into ice cream.
At least 1 parent must be present with their child during this session.
Registrations are essential.
To participate in this class you will need the below Materials and need to be supervised by a parent at home.
Materials and Equipment
• 1 bottle of unopened soft drink (600 ml or larger) at room temperature
• 2 balloons
• 3 or more soft toys
• 3 adult sized disposable gloves
• Water in a cup, bottle or straight from the tap
• Approx. 30 ice cubes
• 1 aerosol can or bottle of strong-smelling substance eg air freshener can, bottle of disinfectant; if using a liquid, you also need a bowl to pour some into
• 1 Timer e.g. on a phone, second hand on a clock, kitchen timer
• 1 x ruler or tape measure
• 1 chilled ziplock bag per participant (eg from the fridge); 2 more sandwich ziplock bags (that don’t need to be chilled)
• 1 straw per participant
• 1 cup or glass of water (in addition to above)
• ½ cup salt
• ½ cup full cream milk
• 1 tablespoon caster sugar
• 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
• 1 plastic container with lid e.g. lunch box, take away container
• 2 rubber bands that fit around your container, or string to tie around it
• 1 hand towel, tea towel or newspaper to wrap around your container; optional: gloves
• 1 dessert spoon
• 1 bowl
Participants participate at their own risk