Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

Into The Breath – Northern Beaches

Shamanic Breathwork activates the subconscious mind and brings awareness and insights that are not easily accessed through your daily lives.

This work opens the energy channels in the body and allows you to release what you have been holding onto. This may be suppressed emotions, blockages in the body, old beliefs structures or memories. It allows the body to detox on an emotional and physical level.

Some other benefits associated with breath work are:

  • Reduces stress and increases energy, aliveness & sense of well-being
  • Releases toxins, emotions, and stagnant energy from the cells of the body
  • Allows old emotions, memories, and past traumas to arise and release in a safe and gentle way
  • Helps understand the source of dis-ease and supports the release of physical symptoms
  • Unravels relationship/intimacy issues and supports one to embrace and heal old wounds of abandonment, loss & rejection
  • Helps one attract new relationships
  • Increases flow, ease, joy, and pleasure in life and relationships
  • Accesses expanded states of consciousness, including higher guidance and clarity about one’s path and life purpose
  • Supports the release of limiting thoughts, patterns and imprints from birth, childhood, and past lives
  • Opens and enhances creativity and expression
  • Healing the wound of your imagined separation
  • Increases experience of inner peace
  • Allows a feeling of being connected to, and caring for yourself, the earth, and all beings
  • Transcends the mind and emotions and supports the awakening to the truth of who you really are

Join Lailla in this unique experience!

Book your ticket at
$47 – Online booking OnlyTickets at:

COVID section:

  • Proof of vaccination is NOT required.
  • Following NSW health regulation, wearing masks will NOT be required during the duration of the event as it includes movement and breathing exercises, if you are not comfortable about being in the presence of others that are not wearing masks this event may not be for you.

If you feel unwell or have any symptoms please stay at home.

Location: 162 Harbord Road, Brookvale


Jul 08 2022


7:15 pm - 9:15 pm



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