Free Tango Dance Practice at The Gazebo
Only for the strong of heart.
These Free Tango Dance Practice Events are happening Rain or Shine.
Hey There Beautiful Handsome Human,
Yes, it’s Evan The North American.
Remember when human interaction used to be spontaneous, intuitive, relaxed, easy and fun!?
You know, way back in the olden-days… when good humans weren’t treated like criminals for honestly smiling at everyone, sincerely complementing fellow humans on their style, holding hands and kissing their lover in public and having a good loud laugh at their own ridiculousness at anytime?
A creative time when humans were all actually allowed, encouraged and expected(!) to meet, interact with and sincerely befriend friendly strangers – actual new people(!) – who you didn’t meet in primary school 20 years ago?
You know, that time when you weren’t peer-pressured to be drunk or high and you surprised even yourself by having an amazing good super-positive time stone-sober?
Well, these Free Tango Dance Practices by Evan are bringing back all these good times and more!
Life is risk. And everything you say you want to achieve is outside of your comfort zone. Whatever your aspirational goals, Netflix and Junk-food on the couch ain’t gonna get you there.
You actually have to take the right action. And step onto the stage of life. It’s called reasonable risk.
And if we all do it together, it doesn’t have to be scary. The thrill is fun.
Meet Tango Dance. The best dancers are Engineers (aka nerds) and Martial Artists (aka exercise nerds). If you have two arms and two legs, (and a good attitude!) you can get moving on the Tango dance floor far, far, far faster then you think. The physical, mental, emotional and and global social benefits from Tango are massive.
Personal definition of Tango Dance is: The art of using bio-electric-touch and human-geometry to co-create and improvise intuitive feelings and figures of kindness with your dance partner.
Huge trust. Some of you have never felt that proper safety. Some of you think it’s impossible. And that you’ll never be ready.
I’m simply inviting you to come witness that trust between Tango dancers for yourself.
Watch. Join in. Or just chat with the friends you brought and the friends you just met. It’s your call. But no matter what, these social Tango dance practice events are bringing back every little bit of the old-school traditional fun we all had in the 1990’s.
If you are totally done with the totally-fake-digital-social-media-status-quo and love simply being around other cool humans, in a stunningly beautiful and relaxed natural and historic environment, these events are for you.
Previous Tango experience is useful and also totally unnecessary.
It’s the privilege to simply introduce you to Tango possibilities. You might just accidentally love it and run off and create something new with it.
Finally, in the spirit of full-disclosure (and to avoid anyone having a heart-attack), this Tango Dance Practice event is not playing, “Traditional Golden-Age Tango Music”.
If you want to bring some, you are quite welcome to.
Your Host provides a Bose Portable Speaker and plays his curated collection of deeply cinematic and emotional music. For general reference, here’s the sort of tone we flow to:
Cedric and Charlotte
Mauro Caiazza and Carolina Giannini
You are welcome to bring your own favourite music as well.
Bring your own water and snacks (as you wish).
Bring weather appropriate clothing.
Bring friends!
Bathrooms are available in Observatory Hill Park.
Any questions, you are quite welcome to contact.
Looking forward to meeting you and (as his old master always says) to flying with you in trust.
Evan The North American
Only for the strong of heart.
These Free Tango Dance Practice Events are happening Rain or Shine.
Location: 1001 Upper Fort Street, Millers Point