Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

Build a Swale and Plant a Food Forest Workshop

Attendees of the Permaculture Northern Beaches workshop will have the opportunity to learn the intricacies of setting out and excavating suburban-size contour swales in preparation for a food forest. These swales serve as effective mechanisms for slowing and capturing water within the landscape, allowing it to gradually permeate the soil rather than swiftly running off into drainage systems. Once established, these swales function as low-maintenance systems conducive to the growth of various tree species.

Participants are advised to come equipped with essential items including sunscreen, a hat, a water bottle, and lunch. Alternatively, nearby cafes and eateries offer convenient dining options. Further details, including the address in Allambie Heights, will be provided upon booking.

The workshop will be led by Kyle Taylor, founder of Tierra Projects. Kyle’s endeavours at Tierra Projects are deeply rooted in permaculture ethics, offering guidance to homeowners, businesses, and community groups seeking to enhance self’sufficiency and sustainability.


Feb 25 2024


9:00 am - 2:30 pm



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Nargong Road Lakeview Room, Allambie Heights
Nargong Road Lakeview Room, Allambie Heights

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