Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

Better Life for Carers

“A truly unique development and coaching program for carers, helping them to make long-term changes in order to practise self-care, reduce stress, increase overall well-being, and to become a more skilled, balanced, resilient and more effective person and carer.”

Features and Outcomes of the Journey Include:

  • A forum to exchange stories, challenges and ideas
  • An ongoing network to support one another
  • An opportunity to learn more about yourself – the way you “Tick” and how this may help or hinder you in improving your life.
  • Learn and apply techniques for setting and following through with realistic goals to implement real, positive change to create better balance and joy in life.
  • An opportunity to build and maintain a habit of looking after yourself
  • An opportunity to build your capacity and effectiveness as a carer.
  • Actually doing it – nor just learning it!

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Mar 12 2022


12:00 pm - 2:30 pm

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