North Shore Private Hospital provides a comprehensive childbirth and parenting program to prepare parents for the birth of their child. There is a range of support and education classes avialable for expectant and new mums, all provided in house by experienced midwives and lactation consultants.
From antenatal classes (childbirth and parenting, active birth, Calm Birth, First Aid) to Gidget House (Emotional Wellbeing Program) and our Helping Hands Clinic (mothercraft and location support up to 12 months of age), they have you covered before, during and after your stay.
What is antenatal expressing? Should I be doing this?
Antenatal expressing or Colostrum Harvesting is a way of manually hand expressing breast milk before you deliver your baby. It is frozen and brought in with you to give to your baby after delivery ads additional breast milk following initial breastfeeds. It may be useful for ladies who have all types of diabetes, expecting a small baby or previous history of low supply/difficulty breastfeeding. A consultation with our Lactation Consultant will guide you through Colostrum Harvesting and how to store your colostrum. This is usually around 36 weeks gestation. This colostrum is also great for your baby’s immunity and gut.
How do I know if I have enough milk supply?
There are a few ways you can tell:
- Your baby has good urine output with at least 6-10 wet nappies a day.
- Your baby is satisfied at the end of a feed.
- Their poo is mostly yellow in colour. May frequent sometimes once a day.
- They’re sleepy at the end of a feed,
- Sleeping between most feeds – somewhere between one and a half and two hours.
- Your baby looks like they are putting on weight – clothes are looking tighter.
Are there any ways to increase my milk supply?
Unrestricted breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact with your baby is very important. This helps to release oxytocin, the hormone that helps breast milk flow. Good attachment is very important for ongoing milk supply. A big open mouth is helpful for deep attachment and decreases discomfort on attachment. Breastfeeding should never be painful beyond the first 30-45 seconds of feeding. If pain continues reattachment is advised to decrease the chance of nipple trauma. Under the guidance of our Lactation Consultants.
To help improve supply and if advised there are different foods (called Galactagogues) and medications that may help to increase your supply. If any further help is required, advise from our Lactation Consultants can help you with a feeding plan to aid your breastfeeding journey beyond your stay.
When will my baby sleep through the night?
It can be as early as 12 weeks but more likely it is between 7-12 months of age. Sleep matures across the first year of their life and sleep gets better from about 6 weeks of age, so it’s about them sleeping well, now how quickly they sleep through the night.
What happens if I am having trouble feeding or settling my baby on discharge?
We always give mums a plan if there is a problem or discharge so you know what you are doing when you go home, and we can help you through those first few days. Our new mums also have access to our Helping Hands Clinic, which is available for newborns up to 12 months old. The clinic offers support and guidance with a lactation consultant and a mothercraft nurse across feeding, sleeping and settling, adjusting to a new family, returning to work, emotional wellbeing and more.
For more information about the maternity services at North Shore Private, visit or call 8245 3387.