Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

NBYT Karaoke Pyjama Pizza Party

We love to put the FUN in fundraising!

When we asked our youth for some fun ideas for a fundraiser, karaoke was high on the list, so we thought we could have a pyjama party in the laid back setting of “The Basement” at Pittwater Uniting Church (10 Jubilee Ave, Warriewood). Pop on your PJs, bring a pillow and blanket, find a relaxing spot and choose a song or two to sing (or just watch the rest of us make fools of ourselves).

$20 buys you entry, a slice or two of pizza and a drink.

More info:

Can’t make the event? Feel free to make a donation. All proceeds go to the Northern Beaches Youth Theatre.


Jun 08 2023


6:00 pm - 9:00 pm



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