Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

Gentle & Holistic Sleep – Let’s go deep on sleep!

Do you feel frustrated by the one-size-fits-all approaches to sleep that feel out of touch with your instinct for your unique baby and family’s sleep?

Do you reel at the idea of supporting your child’s sleep in ways that are unresponsive, don’t feel right in your gut, or fit your parenting style?

Would you like to feel clearer, calmer, and more confident with your child’s sleep?

Would you value evidence-based knowledge and an understanding of infant and child sleep development that supports a responsive approach to your child’s sleep?

If this is you, then Holistic Sleep Coach at Baby of Mine, Annie Littlehales, would love to throw down the welcome mat to you for this session about sleep for 6-18-month-olds.

In an ocean of information that is often conflicting and often based on outdated views, it can be hard to find your way. You will come away from this session armed with clear information that will support you in taking a gentle, holistic, responsive, and informed approach to your little one’s sleep.


Mar 16 2022


8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

More Info



Online Event

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