Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

August Coffee Morning: North Shore Business Networking

Join us for a Business Networking Coffee Morning at Kipling’s Garage Bar on Thursday, 25th of August at 9:30am. Meet like-minded, local business owners on the North Shore, to connect with, to share business experiences with, and help each other to grow your businesses through connections and referrals.

This is a FREE event! But attendees are encouraged to order at the venue in support of our sponsor Kipling’s Garage Bar. The event will start at exactly 9:30am so please be there on time.

And don’t forget to bring your business cards.

See you then!

RSVP Here!

Connect for Success is an environment where to discuss and receive feedback from other business owners. It is the #1 award-winning networking group on the North Shore and Northern Beaches Sydney. And membership is FREE – that’s right! We do not charge a membership fee.

IMPORTANT: We have different businesses joining the group each month that also attend the coffee mornings. As not all members can get to each event, you will usually find and meet different business owners. For existing members, there will be new members at each event, so you will get to meet new people. No MLMs PLEASE (Rodan + Fields, Arbonne, Tupperware, Isagenix, etc). No other networking companies or groups looking for members PLEASE.

RSVP INFORMATION: Please only book if you are definitely attending as numbers are only limited. If, for some reason, you cannot attend after booking, please let us know ASAP so we can allow someone else to take your place. We need to give the exact numbers to the venue a few days before the event so they can set up for us.

RSVP Here!


Aug 25 2022


9:30 am - 11:00 am

More Info



Kipling's Garage Bar
2 Eastern Road, Sydney

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