Book Launch – Industrial Vandalism
The author, Helen Carter, has lived in Birchgrove for 30 years. A graduate from the UNSW who studied Australian history and Industrial Relations has put together this 140 page publication that traces the rise and fall of 67 industries, from two Phases of industrialisation over 100 years on the Balmain Peninsula (Balmain, Birchgrove and Rozelle). Her first publication Death by Demolition, 2022 sold out within a month. Both books have been done for the Balmain Association, a not-for profit community organisation housed in the historic stone Watch House at Darling Street, Balmain and all proceeds from the sales go to the restoration of the building. Their aim is to bring awareness, to the community and those interested in the history of this very early suburb, Balmain, and to uncover what we have lost.
A couple of the industries have still survived today. With the use of photographs, engravings, Trove, the National Library’s digitised newspaper data base and other major institutions collections she uncovers a concise collection of many unknown “Works”, sawtooth factories and sheds where these industries were carried on.
Free. Reserve a spot HERE
Location: Balmain Town Hall Meeting Room 370 Darling Street Balmain