Northern Beaches Mums Group
Northern Beaches Mums Group

Aboriginal local history – Talk in English and Mandarin

Understanding Sydney’s Aboriginal history is challenging for so many reasons and is especially difficult with limited English skills.

Karen Smith from the Aboriginal Heritage Office will share her knowledge and experience of the local area, Aboriginal history and culture. English/Mandarin interpreter Helen will translate when required, enabling deeper understanding.

Native bush tea, damper, and bush flower jam will be served, and information on bushfoods and the local bushland will be offered.

This event is part of the Gai-Mariagal Festival, which aims to raise awareness of First Nations people living in the Northern Sydney region.

About the speaker:

Karen has been the AHO’s Education Officer since 2011 and has shared her knowledge and experience of the local area and Aboriginal history and culture with thousands of local residents, students and schools. She leads guided walks and provides talks and presentations throughout the partner Councils in northern Sydney.

Karen is from the Buruberongal clan of the Hawkesbury (Derrubin) area. Her family has been living in the Manly area for many years. She was awarded the Rotary’s Paul Harris Fellowship for her work and commitment in the protection and education of Aboriginal culture and heritage.

Location: Creator Space, Chatswood Library 409 Victoria Avenue Chatswood, NSW


Jun 16 2023


12:30 pm - 2:00 pm



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